Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bye Bye Film

I don't use film anymore. I bought my digital camera in 2003 and haven't bought film since then. At first I thought that my digital images wouldn't be as good as my film images. I was wrong. I had been using film for a long time so it wasn't easy for me to give up but when I realized the benefits I switched completely to digital. With film I had to buy it, develop it, print it. Now I don't. I have a 2 Gb compact flash card that will hold hundreds of high resolution images. The maximum number of images I could get on a roll of film was 36. The way people view images now has also changed. Most people look at images on their computer monitors. I used to get a whole roll developed and printed and it wasn't cheap. Now I can shoot and view my images without having to wait plus if I want to share them I can e-mail them or I can now print them on my high quality color printer. I can also "fix" my images in Photoshop so that they look even better or if I want to change something I can. I still have all my negatives and slides and if I want to print them I have a digital film scanner but the photos I shoot with my digital camera look better. I know that there are people that will miss the "feel" that film gives but I am glad that I have my digital camera now.

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